As a tenant, you have certain responsibilities to your Landlord and the property you renting, for example, you need to take reasonable care of the property as well as making sure you hand over the property at the end of the lease term as clean as it was when it was given to you bu hiring a professional End of Tenancy Cleaning and well as making sure you meet your financial obligation by paying rent on time.
However, The landlord has bigger responsibilities by offering yo suitable habitable accommodation, where you can reside in his/her property as a home without fear of harm from the environment and/or others.Ensure that the property does not endanger you ( tenant )and that it does not contain anything that could prove detrimental to their health Safe guard you against harassment.
If a landlord does not abide by the above, they will be breaching criminal law and could be prosecuted with punishments ranging from a fine, prison and in the worst instances both.
Two types of rental insurance:
landlords and tenants.
Its your and the landlord responsibility to find a perfect fit and needs,
therefore, never rely on your landlord to get insurance.
always do your do your homework!